Acknowledgement of Country

October 2022

At the time of writing, there have been 9 gardening volunteer hours and 4 paid hours with another 3 or 4 hours likely this week – if dry enough.

Leura Fair:

Some of the official gardening hours were focused on the Fair including a clean-up around the Le Gobelet building by Ron and Sue Harris and the banner raising. The Gollies also gave extra non-gardening time to the Leura Fair weekend as volunteers on the information stall and rubbish stations.

Weed patrol:

Our biggest activity has been weeding with commendable results.


We have also embarked on drainage ‘upgrades’ along the inside bed edges where water pours off the pavement and from clogged awning gutters. We are creating our version of eco pits with gravel and rocks to protect roots and slow water/soil run-off. The effect is also decorative for areas that are otherwise scoured dirt.

Compost Corner

We have had to pause the compost from Leura Garage and Red Door until we have larger quantities of green waste and also more hot dry weather for the composting process to occur.

Memorial Garden

The bed in memory of our much loved GoLly and Garden Festival volunteer, Sue de Brett, continues to receive our best care with the addition of deep red carnations (Dianthes) to offset the blue-purple pansies that are relishing the rain.

Golden Elm Bed

This bed outside Bed Bath & Table was the target of a Fuchsia thief last summer. We have replaced these with two new season fuchsias, wired to buried rocks. Hopefully, they are still there. Other additions include a new breed of red Azalea and another Hydrangea. Is it possible to have too many Hydrangeas?

Thanks to Jenny, Doug, Therese, Ron, Sue, Wendy and Tom (in a supervisory role).

Kerry Brown

LVA horticulturist on behalf of the GOLlies

October 25th, 2022